V2000 Conduit
V2000 Conduit
V2000 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT has a dielectric strength exceeding 40kv, short circuit or grounding is prevented should a live wire accidentally comes into contact with it. The non-corrosive, non-flammable and chemical resistant property of EMERALD’S V2000 guarantees reliability and durability even when embedded in concrete. Its ultra high impact strength is designed for ultimate safety.
The V2000 ELECTRICAL CONDUITS conforms to PNS 14:1983 standard.
Nominal sizes: 20mm to 160mm
V2000 CONDUIT FITTINGS are designed to ensure easy and safe pulling of wires. Junction and Utility boxes come with easy to remove plugs and built-in screw nuts for ease of use. Conduit elbows are long sweep or long radius. Conduit Elbow.

Junction Box

Male Adapter

Locknut and Bushing

Square Box


Box Bushing

Condulet Box

Elbow (Longs Radius)

Utility Box

Box Connector

End Bell